Monday 10 February 2014

After christmas updates and Dissertation Handed In!

Due to the dissertation hand in being in the first week of febuary, my schedule I had originally planned was not realistic, and I ended working alot more on my dissertation over christmas right through until Febuary handin.
Now that the hand in is passed, I am going to update my blog weekly, and at the end of each week I will put a post up explaing what I have done, what I will continue to work on and/or what I plan to do for the next week.
Over christmas my game idea and game mechanics ideas have been changing. I am experimenting with the idea of a labyrinth in my game that the queen is trapped and her daughter with the help of a dragon has to endure a twisting maze and puzzles.

Due to this big change, I have been doing more research on labyrinths and their origins for inspiration on how to create my own maze and how it will pan out.
For this week my plans are :
To continue my research, updating my blog with any interesting nformation/imagery I find.

Try to create different mazes in Maya to put into unity for some grayboxing to see what problems will be encountered.

To follow a tutorial on making celtic knots reccommended to me from my Tutor, Steve Brown.

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