Tuesday 12 November 2013

Research : - Queen Medb

Queen Medb (Medv) fought in the 'Tain Bo Cuailnge' and fought with that had magical attributes. She has her own tree 'Bile Medb' and is often depicted with a squirrel and bird on her shoulder.

a poem by W.B. Yeats on Queen Medb

this link goes into great detail the tales of the tain bo cuailnge

The family tree of Queen Medb

From the research I have done both online and from books and knowledge growing up hearing about Queen Medb she was a fierce warrior and woman, she was often depicted with fiery red hair (I believe to further emphasise her temperment) and if I were to design my own concept of her I feel I wuld also choose fiery red hair, I would also want to show her beauty as it is also often said she was a sensual woman who had many lovers and husbands and I want to incorporate that into my story somehow

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